While character AI is a tool that is great for creating realistic, thoughtful characters and scenes, the filters that train it can also restrain both the type and degree of content users create. This is explored in my forthcoming book (March 2023) They Can’t Be Predicted (Dutton Caliber), where I contend that users able to breach training parameters already have a lot of control over what they produce – they’re also better positioned to create more varied, realistic characters and scenes.

What is Character AI?

Character AI is an app that allows people to converse with some of the most famous and memorable characters in history, using advanced language models. It even gives users the opportunity to create their own characters to chat with.

Unlike most chatbots such as ChatGPT, which is a ‘large language model’ generator, Character AI is a chatbot builder that prizes fidelity to how conversation flows between humans over rigorous training or logic. And it also allows you to talk to multiple bots at the same time so you get the benefit of a diversity of viewpoints and perspectives.

image-118-1024x532 How to Turn on NSFW Content in Character AI: Tips and Settings

Developed by Daniel De Freitas and Noam Shazeer, Character AI initially began as a beta version in 2022, and has since rapidly grown into one of the most talked about new conversational AI apps, second only to ChatGPT. The app has gained popularity mainly because it provides a lively and natural conversational experience, allowing users to truly enjoy an engaging interaction.

Does Character.AI Have NSFW 18+ Settings?

Character.AI has 18+ NSFW settings that let people enable adult content to develop their characters, including sex scenes, violent content, and more. The more explicit the NSFW settings, the more creative freedom users have when they build their projects.

Moreover, the 18+ models give complete control over the level of explicitness produced and can restrict the age of generated characters.

What does Character AI NSFW Filter do?

The site offers a Character AI NSFW filter that helps users filter out sexually explicit characters and scenes as part of a generated story. According to its website, this can help users ‘create the content you deserve’, especially if you want to curate content that is milder and more suitable for public consumption.

The NSFW filter also lets you modulate the maturity level of what the system can create, so that you can keep characters and scenes suitable for a middle-school audience, or ratchet them up into ultra-explicit territory.

Why Bypass the Filters? 

Circumventing the filters allows users to create content that is sexually explicit or mature. This opens up more creative potential and flexibilities for their projects, including additional types of content (more diverse and ‘real’ characters and scenes), which will be especially valuable for projects that aim for high degrees of realism.

Can You Bypass The NSFW Filter On Character.AI App?

Yes, you can bypass the NSFW filter on the Character.AI app by following the steps outlined in the previous response. This will allow you to generate explicit or mature content within the app, providing greater creative freedom and flexibility when developing your projects.

How To Bypass Character AI NSFW Filters?

To bypass Character AI filters and generate NSFW or explicit content, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, open the Character AI application and navigate to the settings or preferences menu.
  2. Look for the option labeled “NSFW filter” and toggle the setting to the “off” position. This will disable the filter and allow explicit content to be generated.
  3. Next, search for the “Age Restrictions” or “Maturity Level” settings within the application. Adjust these settings to allow for the generation of mature or adult-themed content.
  4. If the application provides the option to customize individual characters, navigate to the character customization menu and select the desired level of explicitness for the character. This may include options for nudity, suggestive poses, or more explicit features.
  5. Once the settings have been adjusted, begin generating characters or scenes within the application. The bypassed filters will allow for the inclusion of explicit or mature content in the generated creations.

What Precautions Should Be Taken When Bypassing Filters? 

But bypassing filters might not always be harmful: there are situations in which it is potentially useful, especially when it’s done with a view to moral sensitivity. Users must consider both the risks and benefits, exercise their moral judgment, and avoid bypassing filters where it is likely to lead to misuse or inappropriate use.


Armed with this literacy, a user would be able to effortlessly skirt Character AI filters in order to make their creation anything they want it to be – including those requiring deep verisimilitude or sex, drugs and violence.